Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Ain't no sleeping beauty

Tricia is sleeping less and less with age.

As if the Terrible Twos behaviour is not enough to irritate us, we now have to put up with her erractic sleep patterns.

Despite having to wake up at about 6.45am every morning, she gets through the day with only about two 1 hour naps.

During the weekends, if we do not bring her out for breakfast to tire her out, she'll object to that sacred 1 hour morning nap.

In the evenings, after her 9pm milk and the bedtime routine of brushing teeth, good night kisses and prayers, the nightmare begins. We used to be able to just leave her in her bed and she'll entertain herself to sleep. However in the recent months, after the lights are off, she'll cry 'mama mama' and puts her arms out to be carried.

On good nights, I can just lay on my bed, pretend to sleep and she'll just roll around in hers and fall alseep within 1/2 hr. On bad nights, she'll just refuse to lie down, nor allow me to, and will just wail the night away until the papa gives in and carries her. He'll then put her on our bed and she'll roll/kick/toss around till she falls asleep, like 2 hours later. Just the night before, papa said he fell asleep 3 times while waiting for her to go into dreamland!

On such nights, we can enter the room with her at 9pm and leave the room as late as 11.30pm, when she's sound asleep.

The story's not over yet.

No matter what time she slept the night before, could be 11.30pm or 9.30pm, the next morning, she would rise on her own by 7am!

The early bird catches the worms, I know. But I wonder who taught her to eat worms. Sigh... I'd rather she just take milk.


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