Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I love Go-Go Bambini!

Woohoo! I was a very happy girl on Monday! Mama and Papa brought me to a place where I could expand my latent energy! They brought me to this indoor children’s entertainment centre at Dempsey Hill, called Go-Go Bambini.

This was taken at Ikea, where I always look longingly at the kids playing inside the ballpit.

Finally, no more looking through glass windows, I get to join in the fun!!!!

The Junior Soft-Play area, for 0- 3yr olds.

Chey, chicken feed! I'm more interested in this: Interactive PlayScape for 3-11 yr olds. Ha ha, so challenging!

It's no easy job crawling after a running toddler who has no sense of danger!

Father and daughter taking a break!

While I was happily floating around in the ballpit (yes, I prefer to lay there, face up, rather then moving around which is quite difficult to do cuz I'm too short!), this Caucasian boy jumped into the ball pit and started to throw the balls at me. Was he trying to 'tackle' me? Or was he just being naughty? Anyways, mama told him off! Yeah! I got the whole ball pit to myself again!

After a tiring workout, we went over to the Ben & Jerry's ranch next door for some yummy treats.

Papa Mama, when are we going again?????!!!!!!!!!!!!


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