This is a long overdue post. Sorry, I was busy sprouting teeth and being cranky!
The JB church outing was a success. Hallelujah! We went shopping, had praise and sharing sessions, played games, had a bowling competition and ate and ate and ate!

I love the big hotel room. I love the corners that I squeezed myself into. I love the table which I hid under. I love the cabinets whose doors I kept opening. And not forgetting the big king size bed which I fell from (I've got a big bruise on my left cheek as proof). I espeically love the toilet which I'll run to whenever there's a chance.

I had many firsts during the trip.
My first coach ride. Thank goodness it was a short one.
My first swim in a real pool. 
We started from the baby pool. The first dip was a little scary, I hung on tightly to my pa pa. Then we proceed to the adult pool. After some coo-ings and encouragements from my friends, I began splashing like a pro. And when ma ma said "enough, time to go back", I refused to leave! I think it's a conspiracy, they always make you stop when you're having fun! My purple lips and wrinkled fingers didn't help me either.

My first tastes of many grown up food. Mama brought food jars for my lunch and instant porridge for dinner....BUT......I dun really like the baby food and the instant porridge wasn't that instant! So in the end, I ate mostly whatever they ate! Hee hee, Ma ma even ta bao some porridge during the breakfast buffet for my lunch!

I had a fun time during the trip. Many uncles, aunties, kor kors and jie jies carried me. But my ma ma and pa pa said they were so tired from looking after me that they needed another break to recuperate from the trip!

The theme for this year's trip is I'LL OBEY.
The greatest commandment is to love God by keeping His commandments. Matthew 22:36-38 says, "'Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?' Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment.'"
Jesus loves us very much and wants us to believe in Him. He wants us to come up higher and Be "like" Him (which incidentally was our theme last year!). When we are being obedient to God, we are doing just that: knowing Him, loving Him, and having a personal, intimate relationship with Him. To do this, we must be attentive to God's laws. This is not an option, because you can't have an intimate relationship with Jesus and trample on the words He taught. Obedience to God is living God's Word because you want to and enjoy being filled with the love of Jesus.
We must believe in Jesus, we must have faith in Him, and we must trust Him! Calling ourselves a Christian on its own wouldn't do. Following the commandments step wise wouldn't do. Reading the Bible diligently wouldn't do. We have to take the Word into our hearts. When we have a deep personal and intimate relationship with the Lord, then we can have the highest of joys, the deepest of peace, and receive the fullest measure of God's love and power each and every day of our lives.
"If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. He who does not love me will not obey my teaching." John 14:23-24