Friday, December 28, 2007

Not very Merry!

We spent the last few days of 2007 in the children’s ward of Mt Alvernia hospital. On Hari Raya, we were doing some festive shopping at Junction 8 when we received news that Tricia has vomited again (she vomited just as we were leaving the house). Yes, this is her 1st official vomit, not counting the times when she regurgitated a bit of milk during her burping sessions when she was an infant.

We rushed back to my in-law’s to see a pale doe-eyed sickly child who by then have already vomited 4 times. We brought her to the hospital at around 6pm and she was given a jab on her backside. After which we went back home and she slept till 8pm. When she woke up, we gave her some milk and she vomited again. So off to the hospital we went again. This time the doctor decided that she needs to be warded for the bout of stomach virus and called for her PD.

Her PD came at about 11pm+ (she was in a concert J) and she said it’d be better for her to be put on the drip. So they brought her to the nursing room to prepare. They asked us to leave the room cuz they were afraid that I’d cry when I see them poking the needle into her hand. We hanged around outside, I even covered my ears so that I wouldn’t hear her cry. Minutes went pass, we didn’t hear anything. When the door finally opens, the poor girl just stare at me with her big brown eyes and no tears in sight. The PD signed to us that she did not cry at all. This girl is full of pride! She refused to cry in the company of others. I’m sure those who witnessed her big fall in church that certain day can attest to this!

So, for the next 1 ½ days in the hospital, she is often seen walking along the corridor with her drip (rolled by us) behind her. The only time she’s in her bed is when she’s asleep or when we need to recharge the drip (it only lasts 1 hr without electricty). Yes, she struts the corridor like she owns it! The nurses knew her name and called out to her every now and then. One of the PDs said “this one is a chilli padi”. Oh dear, I hope he’s not right!

Just as she was ready to be discharged, mommy here fell sick too, and vomited in the playroom. So it was my turn to visit the A&E and be jabbed too. This is one contagious virus. Before this, my dad was ill, after that Tricia, followed by my mum, my sis and then me.

Peeping at her neighbour

Thanks everyone, for your prayers and well-wishes. Here’s wishing all a blessed and healthy New Year!

Happy 2008!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Ain't no sleeping beauty

Tricia is sleeping less and less with age.

As if the Terrible Twos behaviour is not enough to irritate us, we now have to put up with her erractic sleep patterns.

Despite having to wake up at about 6.45am every morning, she gets through the day with only about two 1 hour naps.

During the weekends, if we do not bring her out for breakfast to tire her out, she'll object to that sacred 1 hour morning nap.

In the evenings, after her 9pm milk and the bedtime routine of brushing teeth, good night kisses and prayers, the nightmare begins. We used to be able to just leave her in her bed and she'll entertain herself to sleep. However in the recent months, after the lights are off, she'll cry 'mama mama' and puts her arms out to be carried.

On good nights, I can just lay on my bed, pretend to sleep and she'll just roll around in hers and fall alseep within 1/2 hr. On bad nights, she'll just refuse to lie down, nor allow me to, and will just wail the night away until the papa gives in and carries her. He'll then put her on our bed and she'll roll/kick/toss around till she falls asleep, like 2 hours later. Just the night before, papa said he fell asleep 3 times while waiting for her to go into dreamland!

On such nights, we can enter the room with her at 9pm and leave the room as late as 11.30pm, when she's sound asleep.

The story's not over yet.

No matter what time she slept the night before, could be 11.30pm or 9.30pm, the next morning, she would rise on her own by 7am!

The early bird catches the worms, I know. But I wonder who taught her to eat worms. Sigh... I'd rather she just take milk.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

POTD #14

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

POTD #13

Maid for hire....will work for snacks!!!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Workout time!

Last Thursday I went for my 18 mth + chicken pox vaccinations. 2 jabs, 1 on each butt cheek.

Doc gave me 1st jab, gave her an angry look.
2nd jab, doc said is nastier than the 1st. When the needle went in, I just tried to sweep it away.
No crying.
I am such a thick-skinned brave girl!

As a reward, Mama and Papa brought me to ExplorerKids @ Downtown East, a playgym, simlilar to Go-Go Bambini. To their surprise, I wasn't interested in the maze itself, I only wanted to play in the ball pits and the slide. Papa must be relieved, no need to crawl after me!

The maze

No, no, I don't want to play here.

I love ball pits!

Just like a bubble bath!

Hi, you don't know what to do? Let me show you.

First you lower yourself down.

Then you roll over...

Yes! You've got it! But I think you need more practise on your rolls.

Hungry, let's catch some dinner!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Why I love my 婆, let me count thee reasons......

We had an early birthday celebration for my 婆 on Friday. 婆 takes care of me every weekday and she's the one whom I spend most of my (non-sleeping) time with. She never complains and looks after me very well (even better than my papa and mama, according to the number of bumps I received!!!)

婆 goes through my beauty regime tirelessly (diaper cream, moisturiser, ru-yi oil etc) after my baths, twice a day, not like my mama, who has long given up putting diaper cream and moisturising the squirmish me!

婆 keeps me entertained for 10+ hrs a day, 5 days a week.

婆 has to make me take my naps (trust me, you'd rather go to war than try to make me sleep!).

婆 has to run after me, coaxing me, when I'm throwing my eating tantrums but never gives up till she finish putting the last drop of the food in my mouth, even if it takes 2 hours.

婆 boils barley for me every week and makes sure I drink enough water to poo everyday!

婆 brings me downstairs to cycle, to play at the playground and for walks in the park! Yeah!

婆 keeps her eyes glued on me all the time and has to rush through all her toilet breaks!

婆 dotes on me even when I pinch, bite, hit, and scratch her.

I love you 婆!
Have a Happy Blessed Birthday and
May you stay healthy and happy always!

Note from the mommy:

There's no mis-typing, I'm not missing 1 婆. This is what Tricia calls my mum! Everyone else has a repeat to their names e.g pa pa, ma ma, ye ye, na na, gong gong, except for 婆婆 and 姨姨. Hmmm...why they so special leh??????!!!!!!!

This is the reason why we delay letting her self-feed at home!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

POTD #12

I know we are a little late for Halloween, this little student from Hogswart just arrived in town.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

East Coast Park

Papa and Mama initially wanted to bring me to the beach to play with the sand and build sandcastles.

See, I've got all my barang barang ready!

But because of their dilly dallying, by the time we stepped onto the sand at East Coast Park, it was already 10am and the sun was so hot and glaring.

So we just walked around,

enjoyed a little bit of sea breeze

and terrorised play with some cute doggies!

Ok, the next time they say want to bring me to the beach, I'll make sure they leave the house at 7am.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I love Go-Go Bambini!

Woohoo! I was a very happy girl on Monday! Mama and Papa brought me to a place where I could expand my latent energy! They brought me to this indoor children’s entertainment centre at Dempsey Hill, called Go-Go Bambini.

This was taken at Ikea, where I always look longingly at the kids playing inside the ballpit.

Finally, no more looking through glass windows, I get to join in the fun!!!!

The Junior Soft-Play area, for 0- 3yr olds.

Chey, chicken feed! I'm more interested in this: Interactive PlayScape for 3-11 yr olds. Ha ha, so challenging!

It's no easy job crawling after a running toddler who has no sense of danger!

Father and daughter taking a break!

While I was happily floating around in the ballpit (yes, I prefer to lay there, face up, rather then moving around which is quite difficult to do cuz I'm too short!), this Caucasian boy jumped into the ball pit and started to throw the balls at me. Was he trying to 'tackle' me? Or was he just being naughty? Anyways, mama told him off! Yeah! I got the whole ball pit to myself again!

After a tiring workout, we went over to the Ben & Jerry's ranch next door for some yummy treats.

Papa Mama, when are we going again?????!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Artistic Self-videography

Be warned!
You'll make no sense of the following video.
Those with motion sickness pls do not view.

Friday, October 12, 2007

POTD #11

I can't help posting this photo of Joelle.......
so ticklish!!!!!!!!!!!!

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