Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
I want nobody, nobody but chu
Being a hands-on mummy, I was her go-to person, from bathing, feeding, sleeping, playing, even to putting the toothpaste on her toothbrush (I have to bluff her that I was the one who did it but in actual fact Roda's the one). However, I enjoyed the bonding no matter how tiring it was. Now, I only do 10% of all these. I miss the feeling of being needed/wanted, it's sad, but I have to come to terms that my big gal does not need me anymore. I guess I'll have to wait for another yr or so for Travis to ignite that kind of feeling again.
She's becoming more independant and wants to do everything on her own.
She'll pick her own clothes and wears them herself, so far the colour coordination is quite precise (though she did try to get away with wearing her pj-bottom to church yesterday, she said jeans were too hot and her skirts were too short!).
She'll turn on the tv, search for the video output (not a 1 button kind of job), turn on the audio and video units, puts in her dvds and watches her shows.
She wants to bathe herself too (as in we cannot step into the bathroom with her), but due to hygiene and safety reason, I could not indulge in that.
When she's sleepy (which is seldom), she'll go to the room, turn on her fan and climbs into bed.
I can see that she's also enjoying her sisterly role. When didi cries, she'll run to him and shoves the pacifier into his mouth. She sings and draws for him. When she's offered sweets, she'll take 2, 1 for didi. Without fail, she'll plant kisses (in sets of 3, 1 on the left cheek, 1 on the right and 1 on the forehead) on didi a few times a day. Though it does gets to me sometimes as she'll wake him up with her kisses. In the moment of frustration, especially after he falls asleep only after a long struggle, I'll scold her and ask her to "go away". I know I know, note to myself to stop doing that.
Well, what I want to say is...Tricia, mummy is proud of you and sorry for neglecting you as I have to give didi a little more attention now. I love you!

Sunday, May 2, 2010
Arrival of Prince Yan
Didi arrived on 19 Apr 2010, at 1717 hrs. Mummy says he's a cry-baby, cried non-stop after he came out, oh dear, I better buy ear-plugs just in case.....
On the day of discharge, the nursery nurse told mummy "This one is a ring-leader, he'll cry loudly once he's hungry and the rest will follow." Sigh, he's gonna be a handful!
Anyways, that's my mummy's problem, haha! So, introducing my didi, Travis Yan....... our precious gift from God, welcome to the family, we love you!!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Not on my birthday, please?
Mummy told me that she'll be induced on week 38, which is my birthday week! I must talk to baby and ask him not to come out on my birthday, I want my own birth-date!
BTW, I've decided what to name 弟弟 , now waiting for mummy and daddy's approval.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Smart Alec
Me: Did you tell the teacher?
Tricia: Yes, but he still beat me.
Me: Then next time he comes near you you walk away.
Tricia: But he always like to come near me.
Me: Why?
Tricia: Because he likes me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sigh, I have to deal with BGR issues so soon???!!!!!
Side note: I was asking papa how to spell mattheus, is it M-A-T-T-I-U-S?
Tricia: No, it's E-U-S.
(I wonder if she really knows!!!!)
Monday, November 2, 2009
Am I raising a tyrant here?
My scadey cat has blossomed into a social butterfly. When she was younger, she used to just stand aside and watch others play. When invited to join in the fun, she would pull 1of us along and make us accompany her.
At a recent dinner party, after her dinner, she left the room on her own and went to join a group of children who were playing amongst themselves.
After a few seconds of warm up, she began to give instructions "you are the sheep, you are the cow, you are the dog etc, now we go......" and acted like the ring leader! Mind you she's the youngest in the group! Good
thing is that the jie jies in the group are very well-mannered and good natured, they gave in to her ludicrous requests and played along.
I hope they had fun, I know she did!
Terrorising a 1-day old $200k+ convertible!